Dr Jimmy Hamdan Chiropractor. Chirorpactor Port Kennedy

Dr Jimmy Hamdan


Hello! My name is Dr. Jamal “Jimmy” Hamdan.
I was born in the United States (California) but have spent most of my life here in WA.

I graduated from Murdoch University with a Bachelor of Science in Chiropractic and a Bachelor of Clinical Chiropractic.
I am passionate about optimizing the body's potential to achieve goals at work, on the field, or at home. I believe that taking care of our bodies can significantly enhance our quality of life and enable us to tackle our challenges with confidence and success.

I have experience in sports training for football, AFL, cricket, and rugby, as well as a background in sports rehabilitation.

I am well versed in Diversified technique, but I also have experience with NOT, NET, Activator, and sphenobasilar techniques.
My other treatment modalities include ART and dry needling.

I am also a father of two young children. When I’m not in the clinic I’m usually chasing after my kids, but I also enjoy powerlifting, swimming, and all things nerdy.

I am eager to play an active role in the community and help patients achieve their goals by enhancing their capacity to manage physical, chemical, and emotional stress.

Dr Jimmy’s hours:
Monday 8-11am
Tuesday 2 - 7pm
Wednesday 8-11am
Friday 8am - 6:30pm

Dr Jack Haynes

Principal Chiropractor

B.Sc (Chiro), B.ClinChiro

Welcome to the clinic!

I’m Dr Jack Haynes a proud Secret Harbour local, I've always cherished the fantastic lifestyle this area offers. It's where I grew up, and now, I'm thrilled to be a part of your health and well-being journey.

Chiropractic is not just my profession; it's my passion. I enjoy treating whole families, and patients of all ages.
I particularly enjoy seeing the positive changes to my patients.

I graduated from Murdoch University with a Bachelor of Chiropractic Science and Bachelor of Clinical Chiropractic and have done further study in Bowen Therapy, Diversified technique, Neuro Organisational Technique (NOT) and Advanced Bio-Structural Correction (ABC) technique.

I use this experience to tailor each treatment specifically for you.

Outside of the clinic, you’ll find me with my beautiful wife Kim, our baby Rosie and our pup Rufus, probably at our stables or at the races. Being a licensed thoroughbred horse trainer, I understand how important good back health is.
To keep my horses running at their absolute best, I use Chiropractic.

If you’re looking for a chiropractor, I’d love to meet you at Haynes Health.

Dr Jack’s hours:

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 2pm - 7pm
Thursday 8am - 7pm
Friday 8am - 12pm

Dr Jack will be on paternity leave from 4/11/24. Returning to work Monday 18/11/24.

Haynes Health Chiropractic - Port Kennedy Chiropractor

Lauren Hebden

Chiropractic Assistant

Hi my name is Lauren!

I’m a fourth-year chiropractic student and a chiropractic assistant here at Haynes Health!
You’ll find me behind the front desk, eager to help or have a chat after your appointment.
I love connecting with all our clients and being able to welcome them into such a positive and supportive environment.

After beginning chiropractic care in my teens, I became fascinated with the human body and have since found my passion in how the nervous system works.
I met Dr Jack during my first year of study and was immediately drawn to his genuine kindness and devotion to his patients.
Over the past year I’ve been welcomed into the Haynes family and Dr Jack has become a mentor to me.

I’m passionate about holistic health, wellness and moving towards the best version of myself.
I love to be outdoors and I’m always looking to learn something new (currently handstands).

Kim Haynes

Chiropractic Assistant

Hi, I’m Kim.

You’ll likely find me at the front desk of Haynes Health, helping wherever I can with your visit.
Chiropractic has always been a big part of our family life and I’m excited to be sharing that.

Outside of the clinic, you will find me with our pup Rufus and Dr Jack enjoying long walks and breakfasts out.
In my spare time, I enjoy sewing and making my own clothes.

I look forward to meeting you at Haynes Health!

Olivia Haynes

Head of Marketing

B.A. (Jour), B.A. (PR)

Welcome to the clinic!

I’m Olivia (or Liv to most) and I head up the Marketing here at Haynes Health.

Communication is what I do best (my friends tell me a little too well at times)!

With a background in Marketing and Communications in a variety of industries from Health right through to Mining, I’m excited for this fresh opportunity. 

Having grown up with a regular monthly visit to the Chiropractor, it’s something I have always valued highly, so to have a big brother with those skills is a win, win!

As a Mandurah girl I quickly learned the value of community, something that I feel Haynes Health truly has. When you walk through the door the practice feels like home.

Outside of the clinic, you’ll find me with my partner Dimitri and our cheeky blue staffy puppy, Stella.
We love a good coastal walk on a Saturday morning with a large coffee in hand.

I look forward to seeing you at the Haynes Health family clinic.